
Welcome to NLO-thuiswerkplek.nl; The place to order all supplies for your working from home place.

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Press "forgot password?", then you will come to a screen to activate your account by entering your username. After this you will receive an email to enter your password yourself and you can get started!

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  • Welcome to NLO-Thuiswerkplek.nl!
  • Welcome to NLO-Thuiswerkplek.nl!
  • Welcome to NLO-Thuiswerkplek.nl!

Dear colleague,

Welcome to the webshop of NLO-thuiswerkplek.nl; the platform to order all the supplies for your workplace at home.
In the grey menu bar you will find the shop, the agreements and various items regarding health and safety technical affairs.
The articles in this webshop all comply with the current Arbo NPR guidelines, which facilitate working from home in an optimal and technically responsible way.
When the items are delivered at your home (the day and time will be arranged in consultation with you), the supplier will ensure that everything, except IT, is set up ready for use so you can get started right away.

Derksen Verhuizingen, a subsidiary of Thuiswerkplek.nl, will contact you about the planning for delivery of your items. You can enter your preference in your account details, delivery will occur on a set route.
If you would like support or advice when ordering, you can contact us during office hours via contact@thuiswerkplek.nl. This also applies to questions regarding the delivery or issues that you encounter after delivery (e.g. something has broken or something is not working properly). Ofcourse you can also contact us via the contact page.
We hope you enjoy ordering the items that will make your home workplace even better.

Kind regards,