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Swivel Chair Axia 2.5 Swivel Chair Axia 2.5 Swivel Chair Axia 2.5
Swivel Chair Axia 2.5 Swivel Chair Axia 2.5 Swivel Chair Axia 2.5
Swivel Chair Axia 2.5
Swivel chair Axia 2.5 A with height-, depth- and width-adjustable armrests, back angle adjustment, seat height adjustment, seat depth adjustment. Seat fully upholstered in fabric Xtreme Havana YS009 b
€ 500,00
Swivel chair Axia 2.5 A with height-, depth- and width-adjustable armrests, back angle adjustment, seat height adjustment, seat depth adjustment. Seat fully upholstered in fabric Xtreme Havana YS009 black Back is a netweave (mesh) Join 10 covering with back support.
Frame and cross-foot plastic colour black with multi-purpose suitable for low-pile carpets and hard floors (laminate, tiles etc.).