
Welcome to NLO-thuiswerkplek.nl; The place to order all supplies for your working from home place.

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In General    Order    Delivery    Health and safety guidelines    Home Office    damage, defect and warranty  Termination

In general

Do the products become my property?

No, all home working tools remain property of NLO. The employee receives the resources on loan.

What can you choose?

Each employee can choose: - one sit-stand desk with a choice of colors, - one BMA Axia 2.5 office chair, backrest black netweave, seat black. The high quality desk and office chair can last at least 15-20 years. You can only order a chair if you have not received a chair from NLO on loan.

Am I allowed to purchase these items elsewhere?

No, the working from home resources can only be purchased via nlo-thuiswerkplek.nl. This way we know that they meet the health and safety guidelines and there is no need for a check on location.

What if I have already lend an office chair from one of the offices?

You can continue to use this office chair at home on loan.


Can I choose what I want?

Yes, you can make your own choice in the webshop. Select items that make working from home more pleasant for you. The products in this webshop meet the health and safety guidelines. Do you already have an item from the webshop on loan? Then you can't order it here again.

What if I choose 1 item and want to be eligible for a sit-stand desk later?

We keep track of what has been chosen, even if it was delivered via another supplier. Each employee is allowed 1 desk and 1 desk chair. Items ordered before June 6 will be priority during delivery. After that, you can order (additionally) continuously. Delivery takes place in a logical schedule for our carrier.


When will the items be delivered?

Delivery takes place in a logical schedule for the carrier. The furniture and accessories have an average delivery team of 4-6 weeks. An appointment will be made with you for the delivery time of the furniture and the technician will help with the assembly. Our planner will contact you in advance regarding the delivery time. The IT products are delivered to your home via DHL.

Questions or problems after delivery?

If unexpected problems occur after delivery or if you have questions about certain items, please contact us via contact@thuiswerkplek.nl. We will contact you within 48 hours.

Who can I contact with questions about my order or the delivered items?

Questions about your order and/or delivered items, you can contact us by filling in the contact form at the “Contact en Service” page.  

Presence of sick persons

In order to guarantee a smooth delivery of your home workplace, we would like to hear whether there are people at home, during the delivery, who are ill in the sense of a corona contamination. In that case, mail to contact@thuiswerkplek.nl. We aren't able to carry out the delivery under these circumstances. This does not affect our respect for you as a customer or other attendees, but we must put safety first. 

Health and safety guidelines

What can I do to prevent physical complaints when working at home?

Please see the 'Working Conditions Guidelines' page in the webshop. If this does not answer your question, please contact the NLO prevention officer. (Ellen Seed)

What should I do if I have doubts whether my workplace is set up in accordance with the ergonomic principles and working conditions guidelines?

Please see the 'Working Conditions Guidelines' page in the webshop. If this does not answer your question, please contact the NLO prevention officer. (Ellen Seed)

What if my products do not meet the health and safety guidelines?

The products in this webshop all comply with the health and safety guidelines. If you do not use these products and your home workplace does not comply with the Arbo, you will be obliged to work in the office.

Home workplace (reimbursement)

Am I obliged to set up a home workplace?

Yes, if you want to continue to work at home for 1-2 days. Both employer and employee are responsible for a good layout. If you have any doubts or questions about the equipment of your home workplace, please contact the NLO prevention officer. (Ellen Seed)

Damage, defect and warranty

What should I do if something breaks?

The resources are of a high quality level. If something does break after proper use, please contact Thuiswerkplek.nl via contact@thuiswerkplek.nl.

My sit/stand desk doesn't go up anymore. What should I do?

When the sit/stand desk has temporarily been disconnected from the power, it may happen that the desk no longer goes up or down. Then you can do the following:

  1. Power off the desk and wait a few minutes.
  2. Press the down button and hold untill the desk is in the lowest position.
  3. When the desk is in the lowest position, hold the down button for 10 to 15 more seconds, when the desk is reset, the desk rises slightly. 
  4. Now you can raise and lower the desk again. 
If this still does not help, please contact: contact@thuiswerkplek.nl.


What happens if I retire early?

If you retire, our carrier will make an appointment to collect the borrowed resources. Cancellations are handled through NLO HR.

Can I (partially) return the products?

Yes, if you cannot accommodate your workplace in your new home, the resources on loan will be collected.