
Welcome to NLO-thuiswerkplek.nl; The place to order all supplies for your working from home place.

Are you visiting this shop for the first time?
Press "forgot password?", then you will come to a screen to activate your account by entering your username. After this you will receive an email to enter your password yourself and you can get started!

Forgot your password?
The (ordering) process will follow 4 steps.

1. Start
You have activated your personal account.

2. Order
Make smart choices. What items are needed to complete your health and safety-proof workplace? Place your order as complete as possible in one go. Complete your order in the shop and fill in the requested information for delivery.

Specify your preference for a time of delivery. We take this into account as much as possible and agree on this with you. Would you like to know more about delivery and delivery time? Look at the frequently asked questions!

4. Order
Check your order. You must agree with the contents of the loan agreement before you finalize the order. We're here for you if you have any questions. Complete your purchase when you are completely satisfied.